

The go-to, full featured AAC solution for people who have difficulty speaking. Provides natural sounding text-to-speech voices.

For iPhone, iPad & Apple Watch.

Symbol-Supported Communication.
Beginning to Advanced Communicators.

Not being able to speak isn’t the same as having nothing to say. Children, teens and adults who can’t speak can use this Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) app for iOS as a daily communication tool and to build language skills. From the first time someone opens the app, a few taps are all it takes to start talking to the world.

Learn to Communicate with AAC

You’ll love how this symbol-based app helps users learn how to express themselves. Proloquo2Go puts the user’s development first, with innovative features based on clinical knowledge and user research.

It’s also one of the few AAC apps designed to support all users, from beginning to advanced. Completely customizable and designed for a range of fine-motor and visual skills, the app’s versatility makes it useful for non-verbal people with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and a range of other diagnoses or speech impediments like apraxia and dysarthria.

An AAC app for Kids, Teens and Adults

Proloquo2Go in Action

Grow and Develop

Studies show that just 200-400 words make up 80% of what we say. Known as core words, they act as the basis of Proloquo2Go. Users can develop from single words to full grammatical sentences in the same comprehensive app.

  • Research-based core word Crescendo™ vocabulary which works with best practices like modeling to grow language skills.
  • No limit on language development, and fringe word vocabulary of 10,000+ words and customizable vocabulary levels.
  • Helps a user gradually learn vocabulary by revealing words step by step with the Progressive Language feature.

Communicate with Ease

Smart features and a handy layout make navigating and using the app simple.

  • Core words stay in the same place throughout the vocabulary to aid motor planning.
  • Customizable folder organization. You can also create your own folders easily, based on thematic templates.
  • Designed for a range of fine-motor and visual skills with options like 23 pre-programmed grid sizes and accessibility settings which support scanning and Apple’s VoiceOver.

Use It Your Way

Quickly and easily customizable – everything from the vocabulary to the appearance can be changed.

  • Add your own buttons for the most important things in your life – choosing from 25,000 symbols or using your own photos.
  • Over 100 free natural-sounding Text to Speech voices across all languages, including our own children’s voices. Supports bilingual use, including switching languages mid-sentence.
  • Use your regional vocabulary and accent with voices in British, Australian and American English, European and Canadian French, Castilian and American Spanish, and Dutch and Flemish

Quality Text to Speech Voices

Proloquo2Go lets you be you. Choose from 100 voices, ranging from friendly adult voices to genuine children’s voices and bilingual voices. The voices are created using real recorded speech, making them feel surprisingly natural. For some languages, you even have multiple options.

Proloquo2Go for iOS, iPadOS and watchOS

  • Works on iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch
  • Compatible with iOS 12.4 and watchOS 5.0 or later
  • Available in English, Spanish, French, and Dutch

Custom Keyguards Available for iPad

Operating System

iOS / iPadOS, watchOS

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