Assistive Technology is very excited to have found the team of three from New Plymouth, who have been creating resources to support students with dyscalculia and maths anxiety.
Gary Sharpe
Math Guru, Developer and Dyscalculia Researcher
Hannah Hughson
Keitha Sharpe
Student Support and Admin
“Hannah is a real inspiration”
Gary and Keitha
Hannah struggled with Maths – full stop.
Gary worked with Hannah to find out what she needed and researched the difficulties and found solutions.
The tools that were created to support Hannah led on to lots of people being helped.
She works with numbers now and knowing she is not good at it, makes her super particular and very precise.
We are constantly being asked for tools to support dyscalculia and finally we have a comprehensive bundle with so many resources to assist.
The Bundle
A series of 54 A4 Laminated Cards
Each card has a QR code linked to a video explaining how the resource works. The majority of cards are designed to be cut up.
24 Hour Clock
1 Page
A scale resource to assist with converting between 12 and 24-hour bases.
Back-to-Back Matrix
3 Pages
A matrix of base mathematics functions with an overlay, matching colours to numbers giving dyscalculics a hard copy basic calculator to overtly show patterns and solutions.
Clothesline – Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
5 Pages
A series of cards labelled with matching fractions, decimals and percentages for users to arrange in sequenced steps on a line, giving clues to patterns and conversions.
Cuisenaire Gauge
1 Page
Two sets of staged fan shaped gauges matching Cuisenaire colours and sizes giving learners a tactile visual tool to work with numbers.
Cuisenaire Hands
1 Page
Pair of hands with finger tips matched to colours of Cuisenaire blocks, suggest for younger learners as a step forward from finger counting.
Dog Cards
2 Pages
Series of cards without numbers, only images to promote movement from individual counting to counting in groups and patterns.
Number Line
1 Page
Basefold out number line of integers only (-30 to 120), a key tool for dyscalculics.
Number Cards
10 Pages
5 Colours
A full pack of playing cards (1 to 10) plus maths functions cards and blanks to encourage the learners to generate their own number games.
Place Value Slider
1 Page
Resource to assist with place value, conversions between decimals and percentages.
Number Families
10 Pages
Segmented cards (1 to 10) for learners to build on over time, generating their own pool of number bonds.
Jigsaws (Additional / Subtraction / Multiplication)
3 Pages
Three Jigsaws for the learner to cut into shapes then assemble, designed to reinforce patterns, suggest cutting pieces into smaller parts as learner progresses.
Working with Fractions
1 Page
A colour coded resource to assist with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Triangles (Additional / Subtraction / Multiplication)
12 Pages
Three sets of 24 triangular cards with matching sums and solutions.
DM Clock
1 Page
An interactive analogue clock to support reading time, recording time and converting between analogue and digital time.